Levels of Care at Silver Lining Recovery

At Silver Lining Recovery, we understand that each individual’s journey to recovery is unique. To provide the most effective support, we offer a range of levels of care designed to meet the varying needs of our clients. Whether you require intensive, round-the-clock supervision or flexible outpatient services, our comprehensive programs ensure that you receive the right level of care at the right time.

At Silver Lining, we offer different levels of care for treatment programs.

Silver Lining Recovery - girl walking on the beach

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) offers comprehensive care for individuals who need intensive treatment but also want to maintain some level of independence. Clients participate in structured therapy sessions during the day and return home or to a sober living environment in the evenings.

Silver Lining Recovery - girl walking on the beach

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is designed for individuals who need structured support while balancing daily responsibilities such as work, school, or family commitments. Clients attend therapy sessions several times a week for a few hours each day.

Silver Lining Recovery - girl walking on the beach

Outpatient Program (OP)

Our Outpatient Program provides ongoing support and therapy for individuals who have achieved stability in their recovery but still need periodic guidance and counseling. Clients attend therapy sessions on a less frequent basis compared to IOP.

levels of care

Customer Care

At Silver Lining, we refuse to provide anything less than the highest level of care and support for our clients. Each person is unique, and as such, we do not take a “cookie-cutter” approach to treatment. Instead, we believe that an individualized plan for each client coupled with evidence-based treatment approaches and regular accountability creates the best outcome for long-term sobriety.

We provide various specialized treatment programs that support you throughout your healing journey. Moreover, we involve you in every step of your treatment along the way. Working as partners in the treatment process allows us to help you achieve your sobriety goals and ensure that your personal career and/or life goals are met. Put simple, we are with you every step of the way.