Vaping vs Cigarettes

Vaping vs. Cigarettes: Are Either Okay?

In theory, when we compare vaping vs. cigarettes, neither is necessarily ideal for health. However, we live in the real world, where things often aren’t ideal. In comparing vaping and cigarettes, if you’re going to do one or the other, vaping is considered a safer option. That doesn’t mean it’s not without risks, though, which […]

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Addiction and Employment

Addiction and Employment: Getting Hired in Recovery

Americans have a big issue regarding addiction and employment on their hands. There is a stigma that more than a million United States citizens face daily. Drug addicts are having a difficult time finding jobs. According to the National Public Radio show, All Things Considered, “Of the 22 million adults in recovery in the United […]

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signs someone is hiding a drug addiction

What Are the Signs Someone Is Hiding a Drug Addiction?

A substance use disorder or drug addiction is a complex mental health condition. The physical and behavioral signs someone is hiding a drug addiction can initially be challenging to spot. As the severity increases, these warning signs of drug use tend to become more apparent. Someone with an addiction to drugs may have changes in […]

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the role of social workers in the treatment of addictions

The Role of Social Workers in the Treatment of Addictions

Social workers have many roles and work with all types of people and populations. For example, the role of social workers in the treatment of addictions is an important one. Social workers can be a vital resource for people throughout each phase of addiction treatment and recovery from chemical dependency.  Substance abuse social workers can […]

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social media and drugs

Social Media and Drugs

Teens and young people experimenting with drugs and alcohol certainly isn’t new. There’s evidence. However, social media could be influencing substance use patterns. The relationship between social media and drugs occurs in multiple ways. Along with potentially influencing drug use, we’re learning just how damaging the effects of social media can be on mental health […]

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Alcohol Addiction in Women

Differences of Alcohol Addiction in Women and Men

Alcohol addiction can affect people differently. These effects depend on many risk factors. Factors can include the severity of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.  Even whether someone is a man or woman can play a role in the symptoms of alcohol addiction, what their alcohol withdrawal symptoms look like, and the type of treatment […]

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what are the stages of change in addiction

What Are the Stages of Change in Addiction?

When we talk about addiction and, more specifically, addiction recovery, we sometimes refer to the five stages of change. The five stages of change in addiction are a model that describes overcoming addiction and drug abuse. What Are the Stages of Change in Addiction? The stages of change apply to other behaviors you might want […]

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Cost to Rehabilitate a Drug Addict

How Much Does it Cost to Rehabilitate a Drug Addict?

The cost to rehabilitate a drug addict can vary significantly. There’s no way to put a particular dollar amount on it because everyone is unique, as are their treatment needs.  We can explain more about the treatment process and what affects the cost of addiction treatment. The Addiction Rehab Process Addiction treatment for a substance […]

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coronavirus anxiety

How Coronavirus Anxiety Affects Substance Abuse

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed all of our lives. This is true for people around the globe, as is the case with serious infectious diseases. There are so many aspects of coronavirus anxiety that can then carry over into other parts of your life. Researchers and mental health experts think the fear we feel about […]

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relapse warning signs

Relapse Warning Signs to Look Out For

When you’re sober from drugs or alcohol, your goal is to avoid a relapse. However, the reality is that relapse can be part of the recovery process. That doesn’t mean it is inevitable, but it’s something you always have to be mindful of. There may be relapse warning signs to watch out for, in yourself, […]

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