Being in Recovery

How to Talk to My Parents About Being “In Recovery”

Being in recovery from a substance use disorder or alcohol use disorder is something to be incredibly proud of. When you’re in recovery from addiction, you have accomplished something significant. However, you may feel nervous or worried to talk to people about it, particularly being a woman in recovery. You might not know how to […]

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Chronic Pain

Healing From Chronic Pain Without Drugs

Chronic pain is a medical condition that can last for months or years in contrast to short-term, acute pain. This type of long-term pain can affect any part of your body, significantly impacting your daily life and quality of life. Unfortunately, chronic pain is associated with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. There are ways to […]

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inpatient rehab for women

Is Inpatient Rehab for Women Different?

When you’re choosing a rehab program for drug addiction or alcohol addiction, you have a lot of choices. Programs are available on an inpatient or outpatient basis, for example. There are holistic treatment programs. Some programs may incorporate alternative therapies. Others are primarily based on the 12-step philosophy. There are also gender-specific treatment options. For […]

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Long-Term Sobriety

Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety Through Mindfulness

Getting sober is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you’ll ever do in your life. However, once you initially go through treatment and stop using drugs and alcohol, the challenges don’t end. Your ultimate goal is maintaining long-term sobriety, no matter what life might throw at you. The risk of relapse does lessen […]

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Exercise addiction

Healing From Addiction with Exercise

Physical movement and exercise therapy can be a powerful way to heal during addiction recovery and improve your quality of life.  While there are enormous benefits to making physical movement part of your routine in your recovery journey, you also have to be careful about excessive exercising. There is the potential for some people in […]

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Toxic Positivity

Avoiding Toxic Positivity in Recovery

Toxic positivity is the false presumption that a person should be happy all the time, no matter the circumstance. People who use toxic positivity can be all around us- in workplaces, friend groups, churches, and families. An individual may discover they are the ones displaying toxic positivity themselves. When discussing toxic positivity, it’s important to […]

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12 Steps

What Are The 12 Steps?

The 12 steps program was designed to aid alcoholics and addicts in achieving and maintaining sobriety. The twelve steps are a carefully thought-out action plan to lead these individuals to a sober lifestyle. These steps were first published by Alcohol Anonymous, a support group for alcoholics, in 1939. These practices have since been used in […]

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Addiction and Employment

Addiction and Employment: Getting Hired in Recovery

Americans have a big issue regarding addiction and employment on their hands. There is a stigma that more than a million United States citizens face daily. Drug addicts are having a difficult time finding jobs. According to the National Public Radio show, All Things Considered, “Of the 22 million adults in recovery in the United […]

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Cost to Rehabilitate a Drug Addict

How Much Does it Cost to Rehabilitate a Drug Addict?

The cost to rehabilitate a drug addict can vary significantly. There’s no way to put a particular dollar amount on it because everyone is unique, as are their treatment needs.  We can explain more about the treatment process and what affects the cost of addiction treatment. The Addiction Rehab Process Addiction treatment for a substance […]

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inpatient rehab for women

Are There Free Drug Rehab Centers?

One of the things that people all too often see as a barrier to getting drug or alcohol treatment is cost. Many people worry that going to rehab is too expensive, or that they won’t have the ability to pay. Then, when they don’t get treatment, unfortunately, their addiction worsens because it is a progressive, […]

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