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types of addiction treatment

Defining the Options for Different Types of Treatment

When a person dealing with mental health disorders or addiction decides to seek professional help, they are sometimes overwhelmed with the different types of addiction treatment options available to them. If they don’t know the lingo, trying to decipher the myriad options can be overwhelming. Some only need bare minimum weekly appointments that allow them […]

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Brain Implants

The Promise and Dangers of Addiction Treatment Brain Implants

Addiction is a brain disease. If a brain implant was able to treat someone’s addiction successfully, they could go through life as normally as possible without worrying about the possibility of a relapse. It is important to know that while brain implants can show promise in a person’s addiction recovery, it can lead to dangers […]

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Naltrexone To Treat Meth Addiction?

Naltrexone To Treat Meth Addiction?

From morphine addiction in the 1800s to the modern-day opioid crisis, drug epidemics go through cycles as common as the weather. Unfortunately, through the increase in the potency of substances, illicit and prescription drug abuse is becoming more dangerous and even deadly. Case in point, fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, is 50 times stronger than […]

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Brain Implants

EMDR: Stages, Benefits, and Knowing If It’s Right For You

Our brain takes in millions of pieces of information every second, every day. Unfortunately, this information can also be processed and stored in a way that associates these details with traumatic events in the collective unconscious. For those who’ve experienced trauma, certain sensations, images, sounds, and even smells can trigger horrific memories of events such […]

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Therapy for Mental Health

Why Considering A Therapy Is Important When You Have Mental Health Issues?

Psychiatric or mental health disorders are widespread. They frequently run in families. The most prevalent mental health issues were bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression. These conditions and similar ones affect your emotions, ideas, and actions. It might be difficult to learn you have a mental health illness. There is however hope. There are variety of […]

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